Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Why Digital Printing That Is Eco Friendly Is The Way To Go

By Anita Ortega

Printing has made life very easy as information can be relayed faster and to more people. The paperwork and time misuse was the case before has since changed. In calculated shift to digital printing that is eco friendly more convenient and workable ways have been discovered, thanks to research. However, the elimination of waste products has remained a nagging problem. It is hard or impossible for most of the items in frequent use to be safely disposed.

It has been proven that the traditional processes consumed more energy and resulted into lots of wastes. The shelf life of finished printouts was also considerably low. More than sixty percent of these products went to the rubbish pits unused. While we cannot do away with digital printing, we have to make it environmentally friendly.

Packaging by use of plastics and other non biodegradable products should be discouraged. They normally form a heap which cannot decompose when thrown and managing becomes hectic. Instead, other materials like paper which are disposable are better for this purpose. Still, their durability needs to be improved to prevent people from reverting to plastics.

Imaging is normally done by the use of an oil film. This film combines with electronic ink to form the image. Good ink is which can be disposed off in a normal way, and of which poses no danger to the environment. Those known for being common in the market should be handled in a special way before being disposed. Moreover, the oil should be reusable to avoid wastes.

During the process of printing, there are some volatile agents who are released into the air. These agents can expose man to great risks. Some of them contain active atoms that can be gravely harmful. Every stakeholder in this business has to take environmental impact assessment seriously and fully observe the legal requirements. Potentially harmful components have to be checked before being released into the air. Serious study in this field is mandatory to suggest better options in terms of safety.

Also worth considering is the ozone layer. Potentially harmful substances to the ozone if detoxified, greatly reduces problematic situations. In unavoidable circumstances, the duration of exposure should be kept at a minimum. Cartridges known for having been used are better handled carefully too. Serious regulations on ozone depletion exist in all parts of the globe, and ignorance to them is not an option at all.

Some printouts find their usage in food service and drug production. If a bad ink is used then consumers might suffer stomach ailments from the toxins. The good news is technology is leading us to dry ink so to speak. It is dry because it contains no liquid. This could end up being cheaper and better as its quality is unrivaled.

Technological interventions should continue. The substances that result therein have to be advantageous to the human race while at the same time maintaining ecological friendliness. These inventor need to beware of pollution effects and avoid them as much as possible.

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