Friday, 3 February 2012

The Significant Role of Opening Remarks in a Letter

By Shamcey De Guzman

Letter writing gives the people comfort in many means. Salutations are required in many letters like in letter of explanation. This is intended for acknowledging the person you are addressing. You need to pick an opening remark that will suit the person you are writing. Internet and books are some of the useful resources that provide guidelines in using opening remarks in letters.

It is recommended to include an opening remark that suits the recipient when you have no idea in the name of the recipient. You can use an opening remark such as To Whom It May Concern to express your respect to the individual. It will be better if you are aware of the name of the receiver of your letter. The punctuations used in salutation vary depending on the type of letter. When making a business letter, you have to use colon in your salutation.

If the sender is unfamiliar in the status of the recipient, it is best to use Dear Ms or Dear Mr. It is safe to put the full name of the person if you are not acquainted in the gender of the individual. If the case is you have two recipients, write their names in the opening remark. The letter sender needs to put the workplace if the addressee is a government official. Mention in the second line of the salutation the position of the person and use Dear with the name in the last part of the salutation.

You have to mention the title of the person you are addressing in your opening remark. It signifies their position in the work or the degree they earned in their education. Some of the titles are for Deans, President, and Judge. You have to write this to show admiration to the person you are addressing. It is not appropriate to spell out titles such as Ms., Mrs., and Mr. in the letter.

Salutations are also applied when creating a cover letter. When you create a letter of application, the name of the person needs to be indicated in the salutation. It is recommended that you use Dear in the opening remark of the letter followed by the name of the recipient. By means of this, your future employer can identify that you are being respectful through your letter. Through your letter, you can be able to make an impact to the employer.

Salutations bring formality and politeness in the letter. You must always be polite when making a letter. You can show your respect by using appropriate salutations. Make sure that you are using the appropriate salutation. In addition, this also helps in making your letter become effective to the recipient.

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