Tuesday, 4 February 2014

The First Step To Stopping Domestic Abuse

By Jayne Rutledge

One of the biggest and most dangerous issues that society is facing today would be none other than domestic abuse or spousal violence. By definition, spousal abuse is known to be the act of one partner using violence, guilt, threat, blackmail, or any other acts in order to dominate the other one. By understanding all about this act, society may actually be able to do something about it.

Now the bad thing about this is that it may happen to just about anyone and not just a certain age, race, or sex. In fact, what many people do not know is that there are cases wherein women would also try to control their men by means of blackmail or other types of abusive acts. So as one can see, abusive behavior picks no one and may just happen to anyone.

One thing to always remember is that this type of behavior is not something that would just come out of nowhere the next second. This type of characteristic would actually come in small steps and would come gradually. From the small belittling comments, one may actually start humiliating his or her partner by making use of hurtful words.

Now from these small little hurtful words, forms of violence like physical violence may spring out. From little slaps to the faces or arms, more violent hits may actually come up. If the dominating spouse is not told off, then he or she may actually go as far as hitting the subdued one or even resort to scratching.

Now abusive behavior is not just limited to hitting the subdued partner or saying hurtful and belittling words. In fact, there is such a thing known as sexual abuse that may also happen between spouses. Forced sex is usually done by the men and is done in a manner that would hurt the subdued partner which may also be considered as rape.

Of course the signs of being a victim of this kind of behavior is actually quite obvious. If one acts very timid and seemingly scared in front of his or her spouse, then it is actually obvious that something is going in their house. Usually, victims would be on their toes and watching out for their actions as they are scared of offending their spouses.

Of course one of the major causes of this kind of behavior would simply be low self esteem on the part of the dominating partner. Since the dominating partner has low self esteem, then he or she would actually take out the frustration on the partner. This in turn will help him or her gain some self confidence in himself or herself because he or she does not feel like he or she amounts to anything.

Domestic abuse is one of the most dangerous occurrences in the world and can actually change the personality of a person. There are so many bad long term effects that a victim may actually experience. That is why this type of treatment has to stop already and the voices of these victims have to be heard in order to bring about the change.

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