Saturday, 8 February 2014

How The Book On Domestic Violence Could Help You Solve Problems

By Jayne Rutledge

When people talk about domestic violence, it comes out clear that they are problems that partners go through as a family due to their cruel and brutal behavior towards one another. The cause of this brutality and hostility could be numerous. However, you may not dispute that truth that most solutions for the family problems lie with the partners. The reasons why most people find it hard to get solutions are that they do not read the book on domestic violence often.

Reading these books would be great since you would be able to know how to handle most of these problems within the family. It is not always true that you must always go to a counselor to get along with one another. The husband and the wife could sit down and agree on the things they are disagreeing upon for the sake of their children. Any form of family brutality would lead to great losses.

Some of the amazing things you may learn from these books include the theories that explain more about causes and prevention of such brutality. Biological theory is one of them that show that members of the family and partners are under the control of certain biological factors. It would help you to understand that the genetic and biochemical compositions could easily shape a character.

The second theory is called individual psychopathological theory. This theory good deep to reveal that some people are brutal and cruel depending on the bad experiences they came across in their childhood. People who begin to fight adults at their tender ages would not be willing to change quickly. Moreover, boys who grew in families that had no respect for women would not respect their own wives.

From these books, you may find that the members of the extended family could be a cause of familiar hostility between the husband and wife. In most cases, other members of your family may not be willing to embrace the wife that you marry. As a result, your parents would only tell you bad things about your wife and cause such problems. You should be wise enough to avoid such.

At the same time, reading these books would help you to learn about the available solutions to such problems. To begin with, you would understand that you ought to treat each other with immense respect. You should not look at one other with senior and junior mentality. You would need to know that you are working together towards a common goal in life.

You may never that dialogue is important in certain situations until you read about some people with similar experiences with you from these books, and how they solved them. The books may help you change your styles of dialogue and environment. Many people are able to agree on issues when they have their dialogue in serene and different environments.

The books also open your eyes to focus of your spirituality. Family members and couples who do not have time for God may not have humility that drives good marriages and homes. The book on domestic violence would be of great assistance in helping you to fight selfishness and find other people as important that you are.

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