Sunday, 3 March 2013

Tips For Writing Your First Novel

By Ava Hudson

There are millions of people out there that have great ideas that could be transformed into a book, script or collection of essays. Even though they might have the idea, they may not know how to get started or the best way to get their ideas on the page. Luckily there are some tips for writing your first novel that will help new writers get started, edit and finish their book.

The first piece of advice that any new writer should follow is to get started. People should not sit around and wait for inspiration to strike them like a bolt of lightning because it may not happen. Professional writers simply start writing and do not wait for inspiration, so the most important thing is to start getting some words on the page.

When trying to accomplish any task it is vital to set some goals that can be realistically achieved. Some people like to write a certain number of pages each day, or set a word count for themselves that they must achieve. This is a great way to stay motivated and start each day with a set of tasks that need to be finished.

There are going to be days for any writer when things are not going well and the prose is not top notch. This happens to even the best writers, so the most important thing is to keep going. Not everyday is going to be a rousing success, so writers should be prepared to push through some difficult days when the words just are not coming easily.

It is important for each writer to develop a system for writing that works best for them. There is no blueprint for how to write a book, as writers like to work at different speeds and develop things in different ways. Some people might prefer to work from a detailed outline, while others write each section separately and only combine them at the end.

Editing or even deleting passages can be one of the toughest things a writer has to do. Most writers fall in love with their own words and find it tough to simply delete things that are not working. If something is hindering the development of the book the writer cannot be scared to get rid of it, even if it is something they love.

It is also a good idea to take some time off and celebrate things when they are going well. There are certain milestones, such as the halfway point, or even finishing the first chapter, that the writer should celebrate. This not only provides motivation but also helps the person feel a sense of accomplishment when they have passed an important marker.

Writing your first novel will be much easier if people plan, work hard, and follow these tips. The most important thing is simply to get started, so writers need to take their ideas and start getting them down as soon as possible. With hard work and a little bit of luck they might just write the next big bestseller.

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