Saturday, 2 August 2014

Composing Engineering Reports And Proposals

By Annabelle Holman

Communication is important in all fields of education. This is the primary and most use mode of evaluation where the students or learners have to show their understanding on a subject matter through communicating in one way or the other. For engineering students, one major way of being tested is by writing engineering reports and proposals on a certain research topic or agenda.

Report writing is also done in the formal sector of employment where prominent and skilled engineers have to give their proposals on certain aspects of their work. The above pieces of literature are in most cases expected to be quite technical to say the least. The expert or student who is expected to come up with a report or a proposal should have vast knowledge in the subject field and discipline.

A report follows a certain set of rules when composing. A set format is the universal way of doing something that has been proved to be sufficiently capable. The main aim of doing all of this work is to be able to communicate to the community and other colleagues and professionals in the subject field of specialization. This is a good skill that all professional in the subject area of specialty should adhere to have.

Planning in most cases refers to the process of jotting down a plot or a rough structure of the components of your proposal or report. This is to make sure that a person does not start writing and then lack content to finish up the work when still in the middle of the report or proposal. One does not want to find themselves hanging midway through the process of writing.

These are formal literature pieces that in most cases follow a certain format or mode of writing. The language to be used here is also recommend in most cases and is supposed to professional and technical. Reference techniques are also a major point to consider before embarking on the process of coming up with the above reports and proposals.

Engineering work is not an easy area of specialty to indulge in and it requires a lot of hard work and understanding of mathematical and scientific concepts. This field is normally characterized by a lot of research work and experimentation of theories that need to be successfully argued and proved without any reasonable doubt.

The ability to express the research work one has done in the engineering field in a report or proposal is very important for all experts and professionals in the above industrial sector. Experienced engineers who are working in the industry are normally required to come up with detailed and comprehensive proposals on projects that they are engaging in. This is just part and parcel of the day to day work schedule of an engineer.

All technical writing rules and regulations need to be followed to the letter. All the references that have been made when coming up with the subject work need to be cited properly and accurately. No form of plagiarism is accepted when composing the subject work and such occurrence of this nature is termed as unprofessional and unethical by all means possible.

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