Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Version Ten Tell Me More Spanish + 10 Levels

By Thomas Ryan

The Version Ten of Tell Me More Spanish can be purchased in a variety of package formats. These package variations are based on the number of levels you purchase. You can purchase packages of 2 levels, 5 levels, or 10 levels. You can also purchase two addition levels if you are interested in learning parts of the Spanish language that are focused on business. This option is specially designed for business professionals that want to increase their knowledge in regards to parts of the Spanish language used in the business world.

Tell Me More v10 Spanish + 5 Levels:

The Tell Me More v10 Spanish package that contains 10 levels will start you out with the most basic Spanish material and advance you upwards to a point where you should be able to communicate effectively in Spanish with other individuals who speak Spanish fluently. You should only pursue learning Spanish as an additional language if you are absolutely determined to learn Spanish. Purchasing a one of the many software packages will cost you a pretty penny but knowing Spanish as an additional language will give you the confidence and skills to do things that have previously been out of your reach. The first 5 levels of the Tell Me More v10 Spanish software will start you off with the absolute basics. These basics include learning how to speak short and simple sentences with other Spanish speakers. In addition, you will gain knowledge on how to effectively tell time in Spanish. This includes learning how to pronounce the days of the week, months, and the time that you see on a clock. By the time you are comfortable with the first five levels you should be able to communicate in Spanish at an intermediate level of speaking Spanish. Learning Spanish is not easy and it's going to take a little time.

Ideally, you should spend at least a week in each level so that you absorb the information you learn and that it's just rogue memory. Rogue memory is simply short-term memory. Seeing the same content over and over for at least a half of a dozen times should turn that short-term memory into long-term memory. By the end of level 5 you should be able to understand everyday situations that require you to exchange specific information on familiar topics of personal relevance. You will be able to understand the main topics of a conversation when clear speech is used. You will need to actively engage in conversations with other fluent Spanish speakers if you want to be able to pick up Spanish words that are spoken in a slang format. This is the typical Spanish you will hear spoken and it is going to take lots of practice before you can get to a point to where you feel comfortable speaking in this manner.

Tell Me More v10 Spanish + 10 Levels (6-10):

After you have successfully completed the first 5 levels of Tell Me More v10 Spanish, you can then move onto levels 6-10. Levels 6-10 are much more advanced in the material and you should progress through this material at a much slower pace than you did the previous 5 levels. This warning is only to help you soak up the amount of information you are studying. If you do this, then you should able to understand the Spanish language at a level that is similar to fluent Spanish speakers.

Tell Me More v10 Spanish Level 6:

Tell Me More v10 Spanish Level 6 will teach you how to understand the written text of the Spanish language. This will include building upon the vocabulary that you learned in previous lessons and how to recognize verbs in various tenses. With this lesson, you will be able to describe an event or an experience in simple terms. The level also spends a considerable about of time teaching you how to communicate through everyday situations such as the conversation you would have with a bank teller or the conversation you would have with a doctor at the doctor's office.

Tell Me More v10 Spanish Level 7:

By the end of Tell Me More v10 Spanish Level 7 you should be able to understand Spanish in any situation that you encounter. These situations include lectures in Spanish, Spanish business reports, and etc. At this point you could consider yourself to be a fluent Spanish speaker. Despite this awareness, Tell Me More Spanish has three addition levels and two more business levels after that if you choose to purchase that program package. Despite this awareness, Tell Me More Spanish has three additional levels and two more business levels that can be available to you if you choose to purchase that program package.

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