Multi level marketing, also known as mlm is currently storming the Internet but how do you tell the good ones from the bad.
These kind of opportunities are coming and going all of the time but not all of them do so well, in fact the majority fall short and only run a couple of years at the most.
What I refer to as the traditional multi level marketing and networking businesses are solid. These are the ones worked off line way before the Internet came along. These were so powerful with personal recommendation and working hard was always advertised up front.
The thing with the Internet is that it has created the lazy marketer. These are full of dreams, hope and promises on which never get delivered. Unfortunately these lazy marketers are crippling a fantastic business platform for all.
Online mlm business opportunities are starting up almost daily with anybody now being able to get their hands on the down line and commission pay out codes needed to track and pay. Because this is so easily available, people are not using it on a solid product and this is the problem.
You would assume that the workings to a successful mlm business opportunity would come from the pay plan, but this is so far from the truth. The real success from these kinds of platforms, come from the product. If the product is the best in its field, unique, has longevity, is priced accordingly, then this will be the real success factor.
It is no good saying that the pay plan is not important, it sure is, it just means that the product is vital to be right before anything else, including the pay plan.
So how is this creating the lazy marketer? People are easily sold on the next big thing to hit the net. Make money over night, or one time only at this price offers. This is all causing the lazy marketer to duplicate also.
A real mlm business with longevity is built on consistent hard work by many. A true mlm will have a strong product for you to put faith in and a decent pay plan to match. You must also be honest with down line that there is work to be done.
This is still early days though and we will only see more and more of these fast start platforms with little or no product coming and going. Unfortunately though they cause more damage than good and continue to breed the lazy marketer.
So to make sure you avoid being the lazy marketer in mlm, make sure you are with the right group. First look at the product and make sure that is right, then check out the past on the company, then check the price point is reasonable for many, finally look at the pay plan, but if all else is correct this will be rewarding anyway.
These kind of opportunities are coming and going all of the time but not all of them do so well, in fact the majority fall short and only run a couple of years at the most.
What I refer to as the traditional multi level marketing and networking businesses are solid. These are the ones worked off line way before the Internet came along. These were so powerful with personal recommendation and working hard was always advertised up front.
The thing with the Internet is that it has created the lazy marketer. These are full of dreams, hope and promises on which never get delivered. Unfortunately these lazy marketers are crippling a fantastic business platform for all.
Online mlm business opportunities are starting up almost daily with anybody now being able to get their hands on the down line and commission pay out codes needed to track and pay. Because this is so easily available, people are not using it on a solid product and this is the problem.
You would assume that the workings to a successful mlm business opportunity would come from the pay plan, but this is so far from the truth. The real success from these kinds of platforms, come from the product. If the product is the best in its field, unique, has longevity, is priced accordingly, then this will be the real success factor.
It is no good saying that the pay plan is not important, it sure is, it just means that the product is vital to be right before anything else, including the pay plan.
So how is this creating the lazy marketer? People are easily sold on the next big thing to hit the net. Make money over night, or one time only at this price offers. This is all causing the lazy marketer to duplicate also.
A real mlm business with longevity is built on consistent hard work by many. A true mlm will have a strong product for you to put faith in and a decent pay plan to match. You must also be honest with down line that there is work to be done.
This is still early days though and we will only see more and more of these fast start platforms with little or no product coming and going. Unfortunately though they cause more damage than good and continue to breed the lazy marketer.
So to make sure you avoid being the lazy marketer in mlm, make sure you are with the right group. First look at the product and make sure that is right, then check out the past on the company, then check the price point is reasonable for many, finally look at the pay plan, but if all else is correct this will be rewarding anyway. Stiforp
About the Author:
Learn more about stiforp mlm. Stop by James Galloway's site where you can find out all about stiforp mlm and what it can do for you.
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