Wednesday, 7 March 2018

Guest Blogging Questions For Web Design Companies

By Arthur Williams

To say that guest blogging is common would be an understatement, especially among more tech-related websites. If you're a writer that hasn't quite gained substantial ground yet, it would make sense to take advantage of the writing opportunities that certain sites offer. How much do you know about guest blogging, though? The following queries answered by the top web design companies in the world will provide greater insight into the matter.

"What is guest blogging all about? If you don't know what guest blogging is, you should know that it generally involves writers reaching out to blog owners in order to post content on their sites. The posts in question can be about a number of topics, but the common thread is that they relate back to the site's subject matter. Posts can be written weekly, bi-weekly, or at any interval. There's ample potential to be seen here, as companies such as Lounge Lizard will attest.

"What about guest post length?" Even though some websites have strict rules as to how long a post should be, other sites tend to be more laidback in this respect. In the latter situation, focus on covering your topic with as much detail as possible before hitting a certain word account. As the top web design companies will tell you, this tends to result in better work. Writers shouldn't feel confined, as this will hinder the quality of work that websites benefit from.

"How many links am I allowed?" While this once again varies from platform to platform, understand that you'll only be allowed a few. Links that are included in your posts should direct people to news sites and other sources that you use. As far as links for yourself are concerned, you may be allowed one or two that are used to direct people to either your social media accounts or company page. Otherwise, website owners are particular about which links are included.

"Are guest blog posts paid?" This largely depends on the website that a writer posts on. Most opportunities are unpaid unless specifically stated, meaning that exposure is the ultimate payoff here. However, by taking on smaller roles, a writer may be able to build a substantial portfolio that will eventually lead them to bigger sites where money can be made. Regardless, money shouldn't the only goal when it comes to guest posting.

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