Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Sci Fi Novels Change The Way We Think

By Leticia Jensen

The ideas in sci fi novels often come from the cutting edge developments in medicine, technology and other spheres. They are presented in such a way that they challenge the reader to look at change and what it could mean but at the same time the stories are intriguing and entertaining. Unfamiliar scenarios lift us above our daily concerns and carry us away. At the same time, they can change the way we think about our world.

Genetic engineering is just one of the ideas being written about today. Many themes revolve around human beings whose physical and mental capabilities have been enhanced in some way. One of the issues addressed is whether these abilities are used for good or evil and how this affects those around them.

Speculation about the future is common and we are presented with many different scenarios. Some of these new worlds expose us to the problems in our world such as pollution and in these worlds, solutions have been found. In others apocalyptic visions of the future are presented. We may be made aware of issues like class and gender by being shown extreme examples.

As technology advances so rapidly, it provides much new material for authors and themes change. Robots were a much beloved topic, popularized by Isaac Asimov, and many people still enjoy reading his books. He made us think about ethics and laws regarding artificial intelligence. Social media is an avenue that is sure to provide themes and plots for years to come.

Many of the books being written today do not fall strictly into one genre or another. The boundaries between the different genres have become blurred, particularly between fantasy and science fiction. Many genres borrow from one another and you can read about a romance that takes place on another galaxy or a time traveler who happens to be a serial killer.

Reading these books does help us to think about changes that might occur in our world but they are also a great form of escapism. We are lifted away from our daily problems into other universes and worlds that are described in intricate detail. H. G. Wells was one of the authors who succeeded in doing this and Jules Verne was another.

The books being written today involve many subjects other than outer space and robots. As technology advances and medical breakthroughs are being made, these books open up our minds to many new interesting future possibilities. Of course there will always be those who still love reading about outer space, aliens and robots and there is a place for this.

There is an enormous variety of science fiction books available today, covering just about every topic under the sun. Even if you have never read any books in this genre before, now may be the time to start. For fans, new books are being written all the time and are often conveniently categorized together on a site. Some of the reviews written by avid fans are enticing and can give you a good idea of whether a particular book will appeal to you.

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