Saturday, 2 November 2013

Implementing A Good Content Marketing Strategy

By Adam Jacob

If you've been doing online business for sometime, then you already how important spinning content is. In an ideal world, you would be handwriting each and every article you publish on the Internet, however, in order to make money online you need to publish ton and tons content and knowledge on Search Engine Optimization if you're relying on Google to bring you business.

However, coming up with new, handwritten articles all on your own can be difficult, and you may not be able to afford hiring writers to produce brand-new articles every day.

What else can you do? Fortunately, there is a solution. By using article spinning tools, you can create fresh, unique content automatically, without having to write it all anew. These tools can be used to take an old article and instantly turn into a brand-new article.

From there, any content that you decide to publish will be a direct reflection on your business and your overall brand. This is why it is so important to pay attention to the type of content that you will be putting on your site.

* Writing 15 alternative titles * Writing two alternative sentences for each sentence * Spin text where it only makes sense

Most people will spin on steroids or spin every word even when the text may sound gibberish afterward. Don't do this because Google's algorithm is smart enough to recognize rubbish text. Other than the search engine, however, you have human visitors to think about.

So, while spinning text may be time-consuming, it will pay off the in the long run.

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