Monday, 28 October 2013

Technology Savvy Award Winning Authors

By Kelly Wood

Creativity is a quality that sets human beings apart from other animals. People have been skewed towards creating things that entertain or teach others for centuries. Writers fall in this category of creators. They hone the written word in such a manner that it becomes a valuable commodity. Literary genius is and has always been appreciated by society at large and that is why there are so many award winning authors decorating the pages of history. These days, writers have to keep up with the multiple changes that have altered the way society operates.

Making it in the world of writing means skillfully combining the winning ingredients of talent and planning. Strategic thinking enables writers to determine the best way to capture the desired audience with their work. Sometimes they may need to enlist the help of others in getting this done.

For many of them, the journey has been made less of a hassle by a team comprising experts such as publishers and editors. This is especially true for writers who belong to the 'old school'. The manuscripts or first drafts of the literary product is submitted for review and enhancement and the writer trusts these experts with the task of ensuring that the world is captivated by their work.

Technology has changed the way many people across different fields do things today and the field of writing is no different.Lots of writers today have been able to capitalize on the new breakthroughs in technology to enhance their work. One of the key things for modern writers to note is that a large percent of the citizens of the world live in the virtual world

Marketing a literary product through social media platforms is one method used by writers to spread their fame and influence. It also helps them to develop a growing fan base. Blogs are also used for this purpose. One of the great things about these two mediums is the fact that they allow the writer to connect with the fans.

There are online software that allow for the formatting and sale of the book without the intervention of traditional promoters. Once an e-book has been downloaded, it can be read via a personal computer, a laptop or any other device that allows the reading of digital content.

Just because a writer is can now do more of the work does not mean that there is no room for publishers and editors anymore though. Many times these experts are contracted to improve e-books or even to assist in making them 'sale worthy'. It is important though, for modern day editors and publishers to be cognizant of many online tools that can be used to get the job done.

Life as one of the Award winning authors of the world is undoubtedly a rich one. If this life is the one you dream of, carefully consider your options. Select the path that is most likely to lead to your success. You may find that manipulating the world wide web for your purposes is the best route to your success.

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