Tuesday, 6 August 2013

What To Do With Strange Happenings

By Nita McKinney

People should not always believe at strange happenings. Notice the word always, which means that there are also times when you can believe it. That is if hard evidence points to that direction. A research should be conducted first to investigate the phenomenon.

It should not be circumstantial evidence but these should be evidence beyond reasonable doubt. It has to be because the event is mysterious enough that the evidence needs to prove its existence and enough to close your mind to doubts. That is what reasonable doubt is all about in this regard.

There are people who think they saw a ghost. You insist that there is a woman dressed from another century in the picture. The group does not know who the woman is and now everybody is thinking the she is a ghost. Well, you cannot blame people to take things at face value.

This means that you will gather evidences and other information that would confirm or invalidate that the claim that these things happened or did not happen at all. There are professionals who are experts in their own filled that can be hired for the investigation. The professional who will be called in to join the team of experts must be qualified for the job.

Those who did not claim they saw the humongous footprints find it hard to believe there exists such a giant creature. It is a giant being given the huge size of the print of the foot left in the forest. If you have read the book Windmills Of The Gods, you would say that a lot of a unexplainable things happened in this earth long before you were even born.

After all you were young and did not know anything except for the things that were fed to you. Now that you are all grown, you can see that the human world has changed a lot. People are not easily led to believe certain phenomenon such as the mystic and the occult. That is because the world is getting high tech. Everybody is driven to see evidence before they believe.

It is not that these people are hard headed. They simply do not believe in these things because they are not used to them in the first place. They did not grow up believing in them. If you tell them about this weird phenomenon, they would dismiss you as crazy or funny. They would just laugh it off. Reports of a mysterious incident are often the turf of the tabloids.

That might get the boredom off your system. What made these things interesting to read is that you will be left with the question in your mind if these things actually did happen at that time or in that place and whether there were actually people who saw it. Your local librarian can point you to the section in the library where these books are located.

You have no rational explanation for the things that just unfolded before your eyes. But not all people were actually witness to these things. Some of these events happened years ago but have survived because they have remained mysterious or unsolved. Strange happenings only becomes as such if they are unexplained.

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