Sunday, 17 February 2013

6 Tips that Generate Traffic for Your Articles

By Ryan J James

Once your article is published to an internet to a site like InfoBarrel or Squidoo, you just sit back and watch your Ad-sense earnings rolls in, right? Wrong! Getting the article published is just half the battle. You now need to share your wisdom with the rest of us in cyberspace. After all, wouldn't the world be a better place if everybody could learn about and appreciate your brilliance? I say that tongue in cheek, but in all seriousness, if you follow these tips, you will increase your readership.

If you have a chance to talk with an experienced author, they will tell you in confidence that they are earning between $0.25 and $2.00 per month for each "search engine optimized" article in their portfolio. This is a numbers game, and it is essential that you understand the direct correlation between the number of people readers and overall profitability. To be honest, you can expect to bring in roughly $15.00 per 1,000 views with Google AdSense on average. The interesting part of that statistic is that you can convert the earnings of other authors back to traffic. For example, if you hear that an article earned $1.00, it tells you that the article probably had approximately 66 page-views. That is a decent number for a person who has not researched their keywords, not independently promoted their articles and not tried to monetize their articles/posts with affiliate leads.

To be as transparent as possible - to earn money from advertising, your articles need traffic.

After I get confirmation that an article has been published, I do all 6 of the following suggestions:

1. If possible, insert natural looking links from your older articles that link to your newest article. The key thing is that this needs to look natural. If done properly, it helps your reader link to related content, which improves the probability they find something they like or would recommend to others. For example, I had an article on "Classic Bollywood movies" ghost written for me. I picked this topic because it had unusually good search volume. In this article, I stated that Bollywood actors were India's version of Brad Pitt or Johnny Depp. Later on, I wrote profiles on both Pitt and Depp. When these later articles were published, I went back to my original Bollywood article and hyperlinked the articles for Pitt and Depp.

2. Submit your article to the host for consideration as a feature article (provided the host has this functionality - I know InfoBarrel does). So far, I've had seventeen articles features and can confirm that this generates decent volume.

3. Set up a regular auto-tweet for your new post using a product like as TweetAdder or HootSuite. If possible, include the twitter handles of famous people who might be interested and retweet your article. This happened to me once - I wrote a piece about Howard Stern and his re-tweet generated almost 10,000 views within 24 hours.

4. Update your AdSense account with the url address of your new article. This will let you track the traffic and revenue for each article in your portfolio. Over time, you will recognize that certain article types out-punch their weight when it comes to income while ones you thought would be slam-dunks fall flat. This is necessary for your development as an author. Within Google Adsense, go to 'My Ads', then 'URL Channels'.

5. Feed the article to your social media (StumbleUpon, Facebook, Pintrest, etc) so that as many people as possible know about your article. In Point 2, the use of Twitter was discussed.

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