Monday, 24 September 2012

Factors To Think About Before And During Hardcover Book Printing

By Janis Hickman

Print on demand publishing has led to an immense increase in the number of authors who self publish. This has led to a flooded market that increases competition substantially for an author. Hardcover book printing shouldn't be a task done whimsically or without thorough thought and work. There are many things to look into when choosing a high quality printer and also a number of steps to take before considering publication.

Choosing not to go through a publisher places a lot of weight on the writer. The publisher's icon on the cover of a book lends it credibility and without it, authors need to conduct a full marketing campaign. A publisher also provides the free services of an editor and proof reader, so the author who self publishes will need to have these done himself. Its imperative to have a professional layout and cover design as well.

An excellent manuscript isn't written in one sitting. Books that are professionally published have usually been rewritten and worked numerous times with an editor's help. A manuscript should be rewritten with plenty of editor help. It's well worth employing a professional to advise one during the process. Proof reading is a separate enterprise that will correct mistakes in spelling, layout, references and punctuation. An editor may or may not be able to offer this service.

Once the manuscript has been prepared for publication, it will need to be laid out with considerations to font size and additional eBook publication. These days, publishing an eBook at the same time is an excellent idea. It requires only a little additional work and can result in a large increase in profits. Authors often earn far more on eBooks than hard copy books.

Lay out will entail some decisions about page size and font. It's well worth deciding on these before publication. EBook, too, have their page and font choices and making these the same as the hard copy is a way to save money and time. Margin size is best chosen before proof reading begins so that all line breaks and word splitting can be looked over.

An attractive and professional cover has a lot of influence on sales. Often this is an area that authors try to carry out themselves and it's usually a mistake. Take care with blurbs and introductions as they can be tempting to overdo.

A cover blurb is best written by a professional known in the field. Editors, authors and journalists are excellent choices for fiction and poetry. Professionals who work in the relevant field are ideal for nonfiction work. The introduction should not be written by the writer of the book. This can appear too self congratulatory and is unprofessional.

Introductions aren't always a necessary inclusion. Nonfiction can certainly benefit from a well written preamble but fiction and poetry often gain strength from a lack of introduction. Not all hardcover book printing companies produce quality work. It's thus necessary to seek out one that uses a good paper weight, binding and dust jacket.

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