Friday, 13 January 2012

Unique Content Article: Reasons You Should Stay Aware Of Social Networking Tips

Reasons You Should Stay Aware Of Social Networking Tips

by Brittney Mai Lott

Staying on top of the latest trends in social networking is essential for business and for the home. In the workplace, it is a marketing tool and a way of recruiting and retaining the best employees. At home, it keeps the family and friends connected and enables parents to keep a watchful eye on the activities of their offspring. Engaging the services of a social media speaker at an internal conference or a regional corporate meeting is one way of keeping everybody informed of what is going on out there in cyberspace and how your organization can harness its power.

According to a recent global survey, well over half of the world's new chief marketing officers (CMOs) are under-informed and underusing digital social media speakers. They do not track blogs. They do not mine data. They do not track reviews. They feign contempt of networking platforms and the people who use them as a means of covering up their ignorance. One day, they will look up to find the world has passed them by.

The use of existing network infrastructures to promote brand awareness is called viral marketing. Cyberspace offers many different angles for getting your message across. There are blogs, video clips, interactive games and more. Any one or a combination of these techniques and more can be part of your organization's strategy.

Networking facilities are also a great way to form and maintain collaborations. For instance, a global big pharma company instituted their own internal instant messaging system. Someone in Canada can request something from a colleague in England. England sends an IM to Estonia relaying the query and then ping! Problem solved in five minutes!

Keeping a database of your personal contacts at work can be extremely useful should you move on to another organization. You may need them for a reference or maybe you will need to pick their brains at some point. Some internet sites are well suited to managing a career.

Both external and internal networks are useful. External communications media are an effective outreach tool. Some of the most successful entertainers and politicians are avid users of these sites. Check out the numbers of followers for people like top football players or the American President. Internal networks, on the other hand, provide a secure place for colleagues to share documents and collaborate with each other, even though they may be hundreds or even thousands of miles apart.

Digital communications networks are useful for managing events. Whether you are organizing a regional conference or a series of weekly committee meetings, cloud computing enables secure, easy storage of documents, meeting minutes, slide presentations, etc. They also provide a means of tracking attendance and documenting outcomes.

The biggest advantage of viral marketing is its ability to drive traffic to your main web page. Social networking media evolve rapidly. Having a social media speaker give a presentation to your employees will reap huge long term benefits.

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